
Showing posts from December, 2015
It is the same time of the year again. Carol Singing, Yummy cakes and great dinning with family and friends. But somehow this year I don't feel that it should end here. Somehow it is just not about going for the midnight mass and listening to sermons pointlessly. I feel as the times are changing and the world is witnessing the biggest and the deadliest of  problems, we need to reflect upon some things. We need to reflect upon how we can do something to bring about a change. Yes! I know what your next question is going to be. What can a single person do? What can I do to bring a change? I cant!  But I say, yes, YOU CAN. You and I, and a lot of people like us who really feel the need and urge to do something, no matter how small, CAN bring A CHANGE! Now, I am not in for all the sermonizing and giving out the does and don'ts...but I would like to share very simple and basic things we could all do to make our world a better place this Christmas. 1. It is the season of