Why Instil Fear?

These days social media has become like a one stop destination for all sort of news and information exchange. But among this is epidemic kind of a disease being openly circulated. it's FEAR. Yes, FEAR.
Don't put up your child's photo in your Facebook profile...you are inviting child traffickers!
Don't help a person stranded in the middle of the road...he may be with a gang and might just rob you!
Don't ignore this message/this photo, God will punish you/something bad will happen to you!

All this nonsensical things being circulated sometimes as  pranks and sometimes as a part of "So_CALLED_AWARENESS" ,truly put my mind to a test.

Now, many of you will not agree with me when I say that these stupid messages need to be stopped from being circulated and sprayed all over the social media.
I will give you a few reasons for why I think these must be dumped.

First, it really buggers me to see all sort of long messages and pictures(sometimes even human bodies oozing out blood, n slit half etc etc) on my page! Like I don't log in to my Page to just be welcomed by dead bodies soaked in blood ! I log in to have a little peace of mind, to be able to see SOMETHING good happening in the world!

Second, Do you ever see the kind of loss you are doing at your own hands by circulating such messages. People who were looking for ideas to kidnap a child, have got the perfect one when you shared that stupid message trending on Facebook saying "Don't put your child's photo in his uniform etc). What are you doing when you are sharing that stupid message on whatsApp which says how people throw eggs at your car windscreen to blur your vision and rob you of your money! You just gave a brilliant idea of easy robbing to that drug Addict who may do this very soon.

Third, Why the HELL (Pardon my language) ... Why the  B****y HELL should you be circulating and sharing these messages and instil fear in general public. This by all means is no information. It is just spreading fear in everybody's hearts. A fear which may not even have any basis. When you circulate that illogical message which reads "DO NOT IGNORE.." and carries signs and messages from holy scriptures.. you just confirmed your own lack of understanding about RELIGION.  God will NEVER, mark my words NEVER punish you because you ignored a stupid message!

There is a long list which I can give you but I would prefer to stop here,because I would not like to strengthen this thing called FEAR.

But that does not mean I sign off here! NO! I would like suggest a change of thought.

Instead of fearing the fear and also Instilling it among others why don't we take a different route. Why don't we stop thinking bout it all together. Why don't we just BE POSITIVE about life! Now I am not asking you to be negligent about your safety but all I am talking about is  "LAW OF ATTRACTION". Yes. Rings a bell? Remember  THE SECRET by Rhonda Byrne?  That is what I am talking about. You can have a sleepless night thinking about all the cash and jewellery which could be robbed from your home, or either you could sleep peacefully being positive and confident about the security provided by the law!

The choice is yours! Death is inevitable and so is a an unforeseen situation. Why waste your time and energy focusing on something which might not even happen! Can you once in your life stop being a patient on general PHOBIA!

Please for the love of GOD, or love of SEX, or what-so-ever you LOVE most! STOP INSTILLING FEAR!

When you stop fearing FEAR, the FEAR will disappear...

(Follow the link for PHOTO CREDIT)



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